Like my reaction to Tom’s email with photos a few days ago, your email Gary set off tears when I read your description of your Cleveland area trip a few weeks ago. It’s frightening how similar your trip was to mine when I returned for a business trip a few years ago, a year after my Mother’s death. I met with a business supplier in Chagrin Falls one morning, then after lunch I went to the old neighborhood via I-480 and exited at Clague Road and took the Clague-Lorain-W.228th route to the neighborhood. I distinctly remember debating if I should go this route or take the back route off Clague where side streets feed into Orchard and W. 228. Sentimental feelings took over and felt that the appropriate way to go was by entering the neighborhood at the north end of 228. The first thing that caught my eye (like Gary’s) was the well maintained homes – it’s like they are frozen in time. Though, everything appeared smaller and of shorter distance — smaller houses, smaller yards, and Orchard and 228 streets appeared 50% shorter in length. I imagine (in our earlier days) our smaller bodies and shorter gait made everything larger relative to today. I do believe I was taken back by Bonnie’s move; not completely clear to me today, but I do remember something much different about the street corners. After visiting the neighborhood, I went to the Rocky River beach neighborhood (northern end of W. 210) to view Lake Erie and get an up close look at water quality. Shocking, water was very clear. From there, I went to Rustics (about the same as 40 years ago) on Center Ridge across from Westgate and had a burger, fries and chocolate shake. Left Rustics, went to the graveyard to visit parents and grandparents (the worst part — it seemed like it was only yesterday that I was standing there at my grandfather’s burial, it was 55 years ago, age 7), and then to the airport. Flight departed about 7:30/8:00 p.m., and the September evening was beautiful.
As for the Press route, I might have inherited that from you Gary? Someone might have been in between? I lost it in about a year when I had Bobby Joe Armbruster stand in for me when I went on a vacation. He failed to deliver one day, rode his bike doorstep to doorstep across yards, and missed deliveries.
As for the gas powered model airplanes, to this day I remember the smell / odor. Remember going to go to the combo bike shop / model store shop (on north side of Lorain between 222 and 233) and buying balsa wood sheets / strips to make gliders?
Yes, Gary, you bring to mind that the Dooley’s front yard was the neighborhood football field and the front walk running to the house was the 50-yard line.
Gary, your comment about the neighborhood producing many engineers and professionals is thought provoking. My brother-in-law, Fred Mau who went to Case-Western and was 6 years older, always talked about engineering in the early 60s and the fact there was a big shortage. I guess many parents at the time pushed engineering. At the end of the day, the neighborhood, like many such neighborhoods of that era, was full of hard working (good work ethic), above average people who wanted something better for their children. We went after it, and look where we are today.
And yes Gary, Diana Frank (red hair), another sitter like Linda Neuman that my parents relied on. Does anyone remember the Kacks – Sherry and Valerie? They were the first to move into the new development that took away the forest at the end of 228. Sherry would have been a year older than the both of you. I came upon Valerie by accident two years ago (possibly three) when I was doing research on the Internet for an article. The subject related to the importance of grandmothers. On-line, I read the preface of a few books, and wham, one author spoke about growing up in Fairview and her memory of her grandmother visiting from the state of Washington. I said this has to be Valerie Kack (my first love who moved into the neighborhood from Washington because of her father’s transfer). I looked at the book’s author, and sure enough, it’s Valerie Kack who now lives in San Francisco. I went on-line and searched for her, and found her name associated with a psychology practice. What the heck, I called the number of the business, got a recording, and left a message and number. About a week later, I get a call on my cell phone late at night, it’s Valerie. I said to her I thought you would not call back. She immediately stated, “Why wouldn’t I, you were my first love.” Well, Gary and Tom, she is another professional from the neighborhood – PhD psychologist in business. By the way, Valerie said she went back to Fairview in July for a multi-class HS reunion. I imagine this would have been either July 2007 or 2008?