Thursday, September 2, 2010

Comments from Gary Herwick's email dated 8-31-2010

You probably remember that I had the Cleveland Press route that covered 228, Orchard and Loraine east past Bonnie’s to the old Dairy Queen (was converted to a soft drink store before I quit delivering papers at 11 years old). I remember most of the people you mentioned. I didn’t know the Buddies very well, but I’ll add a few names that you didn’t mention – Diana Frank, Barb Stetler, Beth ___ (lived next to Armbrusters), Eric Fuller. I remember the shed, Tom. I think we slept out there one night, right? I also remember flying gasoline powered model airplanes in your side yard until we were so dizzy that we fell down, and working on the engines on my picnic table. I remember playing football in Ken’s front yard, and running through all the yards playing tag until dark.

1 comment:

  1. David Stetler had the press route before you for a long time and I had the Cleveland News route for W228 and Orchard. The paper cost $.42 a week and I think I made $.02 a paper. I had around 25 customers times 6 days = #3.00
