The picture was taken in front of Mike Baus's house. Mike sent it to Butch a few years ago. must have been taken 51-53. Actually Sue probably could date the picture better then I since I believe she is a kindergarten teacher, looks to me like I am probably pre-kindergarten. Butch is on the right and I am on the left. Funny about nails, I seemed to be running to the doctors frequently back then for a tetanus shot. Once, I remember playing down by Ricky Fuller's house and stepping on a nail and then stepping forward and stepping on another nail, with the other foot. I can almost remember running home, crying, with 2 hurting feet. I remember the vacant lot behind Herwicks, and next to Kinklelaars. Remember all of the rabbits? We used to search in the grass for the nests and find their babies. And their was a huge briar bush that we used to tunnel into and make forts. The house next to the lot going north belonged to the Lukemiers, I used to cut their grass and shovel their snow. - Tom
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Ken Dooley & Tom's email exchange 9-16-2010
The photo you incorporated into the blog is super. Who’s on the right? Buddies’ home in the background is classic. The photo is from the early days of the neighborhood as evident by the infant shrubs in front of the house and vacant field to the left. Your photo brings back memories — playing in the field and eventually watching a steam shovel dig a foundation for the house (Lawngartner? or something like that); followed by a nail that went through my foot when playing in the house during construction. In the upper left background, Mau’s roof appears. All of us enjoyed some super fields and woods to play in. The field next to Sue’s home and behind Gary’s was a favorite. It was full of blueberries, raspberries, asparagus plants. etc, all remnants of the orchards that once inhabited the area. To the right of Sue’s, the cherry tree was the place to be when cherries were in season. Tom, what other gem photos are you going to surprise everyone with? - Ken
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