Thursday, September 2, 2010

comments from Ken Dooley's email dated 8-30-2010

Tom, I tell a lot of stories about our days growing up together in Fairview: making homemade ice cream (My wife grew up on a farm and did the same ― we have an old wooden / steel maker we pull out when Diana’s mother visits; and the stories start); picking yellow wax beans; building and sleeping in the hut made of that stuff called Formica; skating on the rink in the side yard; flying those toy planes; watching the building of Soap Box Derby cars in your grandmother’s garage; processing film in the dark room; making baseball bats on the lathe; West football practice and games; collecting stamps and buckeyes; talking about digging a hole to China; and jumping off your garage roof ― how did we not break a leg? Your home was a wonderland!

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